General Information

Water is an essential resource for every living being. Nevertheless, the drinking water resources decreased in the last decades and the pollution of water increased. In many parts of the world water scarcity is a big problem. Effective concepts of sustainable water consumption are more important than ever.

This blog-site contains schedules and educationl methods and approaches from two Eramus+ Training courses in 2015 and 2017 for youth-workers in Berlin(Germany).

During the trainings we dealt with different ecological, economic, political and social aspects of the topic water.

According to the title “Water is Life – Education on Water & Sustainability” of the second course we learned, tryed out and evaluated different interactive pedagogical approaches/methods, which enabled us to integrate the topic water & sustainability in our future daily pedagogical work.

The aim is to sensitize our learners with these attractive methods for this topic and motivate them, to become active by themselves in future.

Furthermore we acquired background knowledge through inputs and did excursions/ guided tours to different places in Berlin which are connected to water and sustainability.

Beside the daily programs this blog offers as well a collection of resources with background-informations, educational approaches, links and diary-articles and comments from the participants of the courses.

Feel free to make use of the collection and spread and link this site :-).

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