Where do you stand?

This is a method we used to make a discussion about different options regarding climate change possible. The method can also be used with different questions.

„Where do you stand?“

Group-size: At least 5 persons

Age: youths and adults

One trainer is needed.

Duration: 15-30 minutes (it depends on the upcoming discussions)


The moderator reads out loud statements to the whole group. After each statement/question everyone should position him_herself in the room on an imaginary line. One side is „yes“ the other „no“. („yes, i totally agree; „no“, I don`t agree). It`s also possible to position yourself in between. After each question, the moderator asks single persons, for which reasons they stand at a certain point, what opinions do they have? It`s also possible, that the group starts to discuss with each other. When people are after a while convinced of other opinions (the arguments of others), they can still change their position in the room.

Possible statements related to environmental topics:

  • To be active in environment protection is not important anymore, because it´s already too late for it.
  • People from our generation are very convenient and don`t want to make an effort to protect the environment.
  • People, who often go by plane are ignorant related to climate change.
  • We would have to restrict ourselves a lot, thereby all inhabitants of the world get good living conditions in a healthy environment.
  • I live in an ecofriendly way.
  • If we we work in environmental education, but we live not in an ecofriendly way by ourselves, can we reach our learners then?
  • It`s senseful, to show our learners szenarios of environmental catastrophies, to make them wake up and become active.

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