Flussbad Berlin e.V. Waterfiltration

Flussbad Berlin e.V. seeks to transform and reactivate the largely unused Spree Canal in Berlin-Mitte along with its adjacent urban areas. The project has a number of different and multilayered objectives; however, its main focus is on revitalising the existing natural and urban resources in the area, cleaning the river in this section and establishing direct public access to the canal. Along Museum Island, between the Humboldt Forum and the Bode Museum, a public space will be created that invites Berliners and visitors alike to swim in clean, uncontaminated water. The project foresees filtering the water in a completely natural way and also transforming the Spree Canal near the Fischerinsel into an ecological water landscape. (Text: Flussbad Berlin e.V.)

What can be useful for your own environmental youth work?
The experiment waterfiltration can be useful as it simulates one important step of the complex processs of  waterfiltration happening in the nature. It also shows the pupils how rivers clean themenselves or can be cleaned and where the drinking water in Berlin comes from: at the water protection areas around Berlin the waterfiltration process takes place at the lake shores so that water goes through different sand and grivel layers to the groundwater which is finally used for drinking water.

Useful materials for your own :
Annual Review of Flussbad Berlin 1
Annual Review of Flussbad Berlin 2
Pictures about waterfiltration
Waterfiltration video
Instruction water experiment
Drinking water in Berlin
About Rivers
Toolbox of various actions about water/river/environment

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact info@flussbad-berlin.de.

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