Category Archives: Wednesday, 18th of March 2015

Consumption and its´ Consequences

Topics of the day

  • The Journey of a Jeans
  • Consumption and its´ Environmental Impact 
  • Environmental Impacts of Dams and River ModificationsDSC_0607

-water footprint of a jeans
-working in groups- develop educational methods to raise awareness about jeans production and water consumption
-River as Ecosystems. River Basin Management
-disparities among social classes (game and reflection)

No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as any manner of thy friends or of thine own were; any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. (John Donne)

The powerful sunshine made the 5th day of the training to start with a very good energy. After a short warm-up, Tania offered us an introduction into the topic of water foorprint of jeans production, by emphasising not only the huge amount of water needed in order to produce a so common pair of jeans, but also about the environmental and social issues that this industry brings in the areas where each of the production phase rezides.

Once being aware of the environmental, social and economical impacts of the jeans production: big consume of resources (water consumption), transportation (CO2 emissions), unfair working conditions (child labor, bad payed), water and soil pollution (use of pesticides, colorants) we discuss about alternatives to reduce the impacts of the jeans production, such as, replacing the jeans with trousers made by cellulose based materials or by choosing to buy jeans made by organic produced cotton and not least to recycle…

The idea of working again in small groups was warmly welcomed, so that we divided into five groups in order to develop and discuss educational methods that we can further use to raise awareness and teach others (children or adults) about water footprint. Take a look at the results and feel free to adapt and use them!

„I am here because I want to change my life and I feel privileged because I have the chance to be here to discuss about global problems” (Iancu)

„We are all sitting on the humanity boat, but we have different tools to go forward.” (Benjamin)

The conclusion of the day was that we are all interconnected and the decisions we make locally have a high impact globally and as we have the privilege to choose, we have the duty to be responsible for our decisions and take action to diminish the disparities between …

Results from the Workshop


The game is divided in 8 steps and it starts as a donation campaign (STEP 1), where the students are invited to bring old and non-used clothes that they or their relatives have at home (different types of clothes).

In STEP 2, the trainers check the datas about the water footprint for each item and prepare two wardrobes, one with high water consumption clothes (W1) and one with low water consumption clothes (W2).

In STEP 3, the teenagers will be split in two teams and each team will be assigned a wardrobe. They will have to pick clothes they like without being informed about the water footprint of each item.

In STEP 4, the two teams play the „STAFETA” GAME  (Round 1) – starting in point A – going in point B – dressing – going back to the group and passing the role to the next one

In STEP 5, the teenagers can have a discussion time about how they suceeded to win/ which were the criterias for choosing the clothes.

In STEP 6, the trainers raise awareness about the difference between the water consumption in the production of clothes in the two wardrobes.

In STEP 7, the two teams play a new round of „STAFETA” GAME but, being aware of the water consumption, team with W1 will have to use weights in the jeans/jackets (could be rocks, weights etc.) related to the water consumed in the jeans  production. Team with W2 will have to dress more clothes to match the same amount of water used in jeans production.

Team with W1 will be quicker dressing, but will be more slower doing the „STAFETA”, metaphoricaly translated by the motto „more haste, less speed” .

Team with W2 will take more time dressing, because of the amount of clothes they have to put on and take off and will be afected when trying to move, metaphoricaly translated  by the motto „slowly takes you far”.

After the game is concluded, the clothes donated are sent to a local institution of social benefit – STEP 8.


Brainstorming about educational methods/dynamics for approaching the subject of jeans production (Ana, Iancu, Elena, Benjamin).

 Throw the ball!

The main aim was to help the process of understanding the phases of the jeans production and the impacts associated with this industry. The game can be structured in 4 different steps:

1) input about water subject ( age suited)

2) clarifying the game and highlighting its purpose (give some motivation)

3) playing the game

4) each student could then ask a question to one of his colleagues, by “throwing the ball”

The facilitator ask the first question and throw the ball to one of the students. If the student knows the answer he answers and can ask another question for another person (who is again appointed through the ball). If a participant do not know the answer he/she throws the ball to anybody else until there is somebody who answers.

Vizualize it!

Using different pots to proportion the amount of water needed to do something. We would need one big pot (ex: 12L) for the total amount of water and smaller ones (ex: 100ml) for the single production steps. To raise complexity there could be used colored water in order to show the different impact on blue, green and grey water, or compare the impact of sustainable/non sustainable products. The participants have to choose a particular step of the production of a pair of jeans. Than they have to get (somehow) the water out of the big pot which was needed for that step. Before it must be defined that (e.g.) 100ml stands for 1000l. After that students could write down the impact of not using water in a sustainable way how it may affect the social, economical, ecological and individual level.

Role playing

Each  student will receive a paper with a brief description of one phase of the jeans production so that they will create the production chain by trying to describe what is going on within that process (materials needed, water consumption, country that resides that specific process) through gestures, drawings etc.

All the methods can be adopted for different topics and ages and of course they can be used in synergy.


Group 4

We started by doing a brainstorm in order to flesh out ideas for our training. We gathered many ideas, some new and some were built on ideas already known. We decided to sift out the strongest ideas for our activities and then develop them into more elaborate methods.
The frame for our training was: a duration of 4 days, 20 participants from the age range of 13-17 years old, 4 trainers needed per activity. For each day we chose a predominating topic.
To apply this training we would chose the participating group from a school, so that we are raising community awareness.

The first day revolved around information acquiring, through the activities of:
-a presentation on the subject of the water footprint and what it stands for;
-a questionnaire for the participants that included questions referring to the preference and frequency of use for jeans;
-a guest speaker from a well known jeans company, that would present the difference between two products they have on the market, one made with typical methods, and one made with special care shown towards the water-footprint.
The second day was based on campaigning experiences in the city, by:
-collecting used jeans items from the local community, by going door to door in the neighbour-hood of the school.
-rally in the city center to raise awareness on jeans production and the possibility to extend jeans’ life cycle
The third day is a workshop day; we will learn how to recycle jeans products through manufacturing new objects that we can sell.
The fourth day is a day for using the information and experience accumulated in the previous days. We will:
– have a fishbowl discussion around the issue of jeans – production cost versus extended life-cycle(focusing on the fact that items made out of jeans are longer lasting), with outside participation from community members
– the participants would learn to act responsibly in order to extend the life cycle of jeans, through using a game application. The game would uses as parameters choices like how often one washes the jeans, what products does he wash them with, what becomes of the product when recycled, etc.

The work process was fruitful and it gave us many leads on how to address the jeans issue in a teaching method. The downside to our approach was that we went on to develop simultaneously many ideas, leading to not fully accomplishing any of them.

Thank you for this learning experience!

(group of about 15 aged 12-17 year old)

1.WARM-UP(raising awareness on the matter of excessive jeans production/consumption, by experiencing with the body what an imbalanced situation feels like): E.g. “Who wears a pair of jeans now, stand up. Who has a pair of jeans at home also stand up. For each extra pair of jeans, lift a foot, a hand, two hands, knee up…”

2. Ask each participant to take a guess/bet on how much water is spent to produce a pair of jeans and write it down.(it is to be confronted in the end with the real estimated value)
3. Show raw materials (some cotton flowers), cotton threads, pictures with the different stages of the production process of jeans.
4. Split in smaller groups (4-5 persons), give 7 post-its, with the 7 processes. Task: Discuss within your group and order the post-its in in chronologically order.
5. In plenary: On a big world map (may be projected on a whiteobard), put the post-its in their location. Afterwards, give the amounts of water used in each of the 7 technological step and add it to each post. Mark the rout, of the material from cultivating the cotton to the final stage, with markers, on the map. Discuss about the way the virtual water “travels” the world.
6. Sum up the amounts of water used and find out the real total amount. Confront it with the participants´ estimation in the beginning.
6. Discussion: history, transport, social inequities, exploitation of people working in the production chain. (Use a pair of jeans as a “magician`s hat”, taking out of its pockets pieces of paper containing info on that)
7. Open discussion on what alternatives and choices we have to balance the situation. Emphasis on power to the consumer! We do have the power to change!
*** Express the quantities of water in liters and also in non-conventional, easy to visualize units of measure, such as swimming pool.
from Group