Category Archives: Resources


Materials, Presentations, ….

Water is life
Introduction to the topic by OBUK
Part 1:

Water and Sudstainability – the learning partnership

M. Henn: TTIP, water-privatization  the role of international organizations
Presentation Henn 14 March 2015 Water Global Players

Presentation by Dorothea Härlin, Berliner Wassertisch
Water and Sustainability – Berliner Wassertisch 1
Water and Sustainability – Berliner Wassertisch 2
Water and Sustainability – Berliner Wassertisch 3
Water and Sustainability – Berliner Wassertisch 4

Water footprint
Presentation by Arjen Y. Hoekstra

The journey of the jeans
long journey of a jeans

Tobias Schäfer (Grüne Liga): Environmental impacts of dams & river modification
TS River_ecosystems_water_policy

Presentation/ Workshop about Water and Energy
by Mihail Dumitriu
water and energy

Daniela Setton (Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen Brandenburg): Impact of opencast mining on water in Berlin & Brandenburg

Christiane Gerstetter (Ecologic Institut Berlin): Water conflicts & climate change

Existence of right to water in international human right law,
by Alireza Mohammadi Aghdam (participant of the training)
and Ameneh Dehshiri
human right to water -blog