Project-Presentation at the Planungsraum Conference-Meeting X of the district Berlin Pankow at May, 13th 2015.

As part of the planning area conference of social and educational stakeholders in our local district, we introduced the Learning Partnership Project, its goals, the process and the results. We referred firstly to the general opportunities and benefits of European project work and went to those of us actually achieved results.

After a brief awareness of the issue of water and sustainability, we introduced the Partner Network and our working methods. To make the reference as possible practically, we went straight to the best practice examples, which were developed by us and our partners. We pointed to some examples and presented our Handbook-Reader to address them practical starting points for common local work. We made a proposal to the participating organizations for a practical cooperation in education and questions about water and sustainability and referred to education programs of our association on the subject, such as the workshop “We cook only with water” with a focus on nutrition and water footprint.

The interest of the conference was so great that it was agreed to carry out a water workshop together for the conference meeting in November, so as to make practical experiences with the topic.

Project-Presentation at the Planungsraum Conference-Meeting X