The Dishwasher is our second important cleaning tool in the guest-house. All groups use the dishwasher to clean their dishes. The dishwasher has high load factor.

I. Dishwashing Detergent

There are several Tests of dishwasher detergents. Main difference is if the tabs contain Phosphate or not. There are several phosphate-Free products on the market. They are sold by discounters or in the ecostores. We made a selection of tested products from discounters and ecostores with their results and prices. We only used Phosphate-free products, because of their water-sensitiveness. In Germany phosphates are only banned in washing-detergents but not in dishwasher-detergents.

Comparison-Chart of phosphate-free dishwasher detergents


fit Grüne Kraft classic0,12€/tabeco-friendly, gentlytest “good” (2.1)*, best productSeems to be the best and secure choice. Should be compared with “Denkmit nature”
ORO OPM Grün0,10€/tabeco-friendly, but partly poor cleaningtest “good” (2.4)*, second bestSecond best choice.
Denkmit nature0,11€/tabeco-friendly, medium cleaning capabilities and additional salt-use neededtest “sufficient” (4.1)*Poor cleaning results.
Lidl / W5 All-in-One Dish-washing tabs phosphate-free0,07€/tabgood results, eco-friendlygood (2,4)**Cheap and effective product but from criticized Lidl-discounter.#
domol Geschirr-Reiniger-Tabs “ultra sensitive”0,08€/tabgood leaning results, eco-friendlygood ***Cheap good-product – but replaced by new product.#

Ecover tabs0,22€/tabeco-friendly but very poor cleaningtest “sufficient” (4.2)*, poor productthe best of the ecostore-products, but still poor. Is salt the problem?
Sodasan Öko tabs0,20€/tabvery poor washing results, eco-friendlytest “poor” (4.6)*
AlmaWin0,22€/tabvery poor washing-results, very eco-friendlytest “poor” (4.8)*
Sonett tabs0,23€/tabvery poor washing results, very eco-friendlytest “poor” (4.9)*

* in: Stiftung Warentest, Berlin, Heft 8/2010
** in: Guter Rat, Heft 3/2012
*** in: Testmagazin, Heft 10/2011 / Product replaced
# Test was made from a commercial testing-journal.

Choosing the best dishwasher

After a long research we decided to buy a dishwasher from the Company BEKO.

We choose the product “BEKO DFN 6632″. It is certified Energy-Class A+ with a consumption of 0,94kW/h energy and 10l water in the standard-program (“ECO”).

The next best A++-Product would safe only 0,02kWh with same water-consumption but a much higher price. A nearly similar Model was tested “good” from Stiftung Warentest. The newest Model with Stiftung Warentest “good”-rating is “BEKO DSN 6832 FX30″. It safes another 0,12kWh per washing-service while water-consumption is the same.

Using the right program

Comparing the Eco-program with other programs of the machine…

“Eco”: 171 Minutes, 10 l Water, 0,94 kWh Energy-Consumption
“Quick an clean”: 113 Minutes faster, 0,2l Water more, 0,38kWh more energy
“Intensive”: 28 Minutes faster, 6 l more Water, 0,32kWh more energy.

In practical tests with the machine we made the conclusion that the use of the program has to be adjusted to the group-size and it’s needs.

Large groups (more then 10 people): In daytime during the meals should use the program “Quick and clean”, otherwise they get a storage-problem with dirty plates. For overnight-service they can use as well “Eco” (with mainly glasses and cups) or “Intensive” (if the plates are dirty and a lot of them.

Small groups (up to 10 people)
: Should use the eco-program normally if the plates are not to dirty. Quick and clean is the best choice if they have less time between the dishes and need the plates and intensive if they turn on the dishwasher with hard and/or sticky food on the plates.

II. Improvement idea

Install a sign for the users!

Caution: We have a solar-thermal-water-system, that is providing 60° hot water through the warm-water-pipes. In case of strong sunshine this water will be delivered from solar-energy and with almost no energy-consumption. In this case the “Quick an Clean” program is a very good alternative, because it consumes nearly the same water, is much faster and the energy-consumption will not be almost the same because of the 60° water provided from the tubes.

The “Intensive”-program should only be used if the dishes a very dirty and the machine is very full and/or the dishes stand for a long period in the dishwasher.

Dishwashing tabs with low waterfootprint