9. April 2022 um 10:00 – 13:30
Berlin, tagungswerk, Förderverein Offene Bildung Umwelt Kultur e.V.
Bernkasteler str. 78
13088 Berlin

These oral history workshops are aimed at all interested people from the age of 15. They want to encourage people to critically engage with colonial history and existing power relations. The workshop lasts 3 hours + 30 minutes lunch break and is a colourful mixture of non-formal methods of global learning.

Cameroonian food will be served during the break.

Please register in advance at: info@obuk-ev.org


The event is a cooperation between Initiative Perspektivwechsel e.V. and Förderverein Offene Bildung Umwelt Kultur e.V.


The project is funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe of the State of Berlin, the Berliner Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit,
the North-South Bridges Foundation with financial support from the BMZ and the :do Foundation.

Anti- Colonial Résistance: Cameroon/ Germany case